Wednesday 9 August 2017

Women’s Health

Warning to all the men reading this… it’s about to get REAL. Ladies, it’s time for a little girl talk. There are so many beautiful things that are special to a woman’s body. I mean, what is more special than being able to carry a life inside of us?! But with that gift also comes a few issues. And by issues we mean all the baggage that our monthly visitor never fails to bring…PMS!
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists at least 85 percent of menstruating women have at least 1 PMS symptom as part of their monthly cycle which can include joint or muscle pain, irritability, constipation or diarrhea and even anxiety or depression.
Another thing us ladies need to be aware of is the risk of osteoporosis. Women are 4 times more likely than men to develop osteoporosis. Research from the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) shows that about half of women will break a bone due to osteoporosis. And the number of osteoporotic fractures in women is greater than the number of heart attacks, strokes and cases of breast cancer combined!
The good news is that there are simple steps we can take to restore a sense of harmony and well-being every day of the month, as well as help postpone or prevent the onset of osteoporosis.* Dial in to hear Clarissa Perez-Pacheco, Director of Product Management, share how the proper whole food nutrition can help ladies live their best life at all ages!
To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

Bone & Joint Health

Let’s get straight to the facts. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), osteoporosis currently affects 10 million people in the U.S. and 18 million more are at risk of developing the disease which leads to an increased frequency of fractures of the hip, spine and wrist.

To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

On top of that, it’s projected that by 2030, 67 million Americans will have doctor-diagnosed arthritis. And it gets worse…the CDC reports that Arthritis and other rheumatic conditions have been the most common cause of disability among U.S. adults for the past 15 years. For many people this affects the daily activities they enjoy like exercising, dancing, and playing with the kids.
The good news is that there are natural ways to promote bone health and joint comfort. Dial in to hear Clarissa Perez-Pacheco, Director of Product Management share the science behind nutrients that have been shown to regenerate lost cartilage, reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life, and lower inflammatory index by 68% in just 8 weeks!*
To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

Healthy Pregnancy

How exciting to be getting ready for this special time of your life! You can plan for that dream nursery, those adorable baby outfits and everything else to welcome your precious little one into this world; but the most important thing you can do for your baby and yourself is to ensure adequate nutrition during this defining time of your lives.
A soon-to-be-mother’s health and nutrient intake has a great impact on the long-term health prospects of your child. Vitamin D helps the developing fetus accumulate calcium, which is needed for growth and development. Supplemental iron and folic acid was found to reduce infant mortality and reduce the prevalence of low birth weight. Omega-3 intake supports fetal eye and brain development.
We’re here to help all the Mamas discover the nutritional building blocks for before, during and after pregnancy. Dial in to hear Clarissa Perez-Pacheco, Director of Product Management share how NeoLife nutritionals can promote a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby.
To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

Immune Health

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? The CDC estimates that in the United States, each year up to 20% of the population gets the flu and more than 200,000 Americans are hospitalized from seasonal flu-related complications. This is the season where many people make a mad dash to the drugstore to search for a miracle cold-buster. But why wait to act until it’s too late?
We want to help you discover strategies to strengthen your body’s natural defenses with whole-food sourced antioxidants – carotenoids, flavonoids, and cruciferous nutrients, plus time-tested vitamins and minerals. Clarissa Perez-Pacheco, Director of Product Management, will reveal the science behind NeoLife nutritionals that support immune function with whole food-based nutrients from fruits and vegetables.*
To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

Discover the Beauty of Nutriance®

This is the most wonderful time of the year and with Christmas and New Year’s approaching we want to look our best at holiday parties and family get togethers. Unfortunately, this winter weather manages to wreak havoc on our skin. And stressing over dry skin and wrinkles can be a major fun sucker. Which is why we’ve gotta nourish our skin — the largest organ of our body, year-round!
Give your skin a healthy, positive radiance this holiday season and keep people guessing when it comes to your age! Clarissa Perez-Pacheco, Director of Product Management, will reveal the science behind Nutriance products formulated in top laboratories in Switzerland that have been clinically proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. By the end of the call you’ll be lathering Nutriance moisturizers — clinically proven to increase skin moisture by up to 86% just 30 minutes after application, and retain up to 70% higher moisture levels even four hours later!

To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

NeoLife Weight Management

Let’s get straight to it… The evidence is clear that being overweight or obese may lead to health challenges with life-threatening implications including increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension & stroke1.
On top of that, ‘overweight and obesity’ is the second leading cause of preventable death for both women and men in the U.S. With two-thirds of the U.S. population either overweight or obese the need for powerful, nutritionally valid tools for the pursuit of weight loss and attainment of healthy, sustainable weight management has never been more needed. In fact, losing weight can support heart health, while promoting normal blood sugar levels and blood pressure!*
Dial in to hear special guest, Scientific Advisory Board Member, John Miller share the science behind NeoLife’s clinically proven weight loss product and weight management program, as well success tips that will get you on your way to a New Body, Better Life!*
PLUS! Hear life changing stories from people just like you who have experienced the benefits of using NeoLife Nutritionals!
To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

Drink Up the Benefits of All Natural NeoLifeShake

Breaking news on sugar in our diets! The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends limiting the amount of added sugars in our diets to no more than 10% of daily calories – equal to about 12 teaspoons of sugar a day. According to a new report, Americans get about 13% of daily calories from added sugars and teens get closer to 17% – both well over the recommended amount! Yikes!
Well, you don’t have to worry! All Natural NeoLifeShake was designed with you in mind – a delicious way to take in wholesome daily nutrition, powering your body with quality sources of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Dial in to hear special guest, Scientific Advisory Board Member, Anjana Srivastava share the science behind all natural NeoLifeShake and how the new formula packs 25% less sugar, no artificial anything and only 140 calories. You and your family can drink up the benefits of NeoLifeShake – worry free!
To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

Heart Health - Is your Heart Healthy?

Just because you have a big heart doesn’t guarantee that it’s a healthy one. The American Heart Association reports that:
• Cardiovascular disease is the leading global cause of death, accounting for more than 17.3 million deaths per year, a number that is expected to grow to more than 23.6 million by 2030.
• Nearly 801,000 people in the U.S. died from heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases in 2013. That’s about one of every three deaths in America.
• Heart disease strikes someone in the U.S. about once every 42 seconds.
Heart disease is a silent killer that devastates millions of families each year, but the good news is that there are simple daily steps you can take to support heart health. Dial in to hear Clarissa Perez-Pacheco, Director of Product Management, reveal which products have proven heart health benefits as well as other healthy living tips that could positively change the future of you or someone you care about.*
To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit

Seasonal Challenges Have You Stuffed Up?

Sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, foggy brain–if you are one of the nearly 20% of all Americans affected by seasonal challenges, then you are no stranger to this list of unpleasant symptoms. The great news is that relief may be on the horizon with targeted nutrition to kick seasonal challenges to the curb!
There are simple ways to alleviate these issues through what we supplement our bodies, with herbal products that are powerful, safe, effective and gentle to support our respiratory health, digestive health, and immune system!
For example, did you know that one of the biggest benefits of herbs is that they have a long history of safe use without the side effects associated with chemical drugs?
Dial in to hear Clarissa Perez-Pacheco, Director of Product Management, reveal the science behind ingredients proven to help clear your sinuses, soothe distressed tissue for comfortable breathing, and support regular and unrestricted bronchial and pulmonary airflow. *
PLUS! Hear life changing stories from people just like you who have experienced the benefits of using NeoLife Nutritionals.
To learn how to build a foundation of good nutrition for you and your loved ones, visit